
South Devon CAMRA beer festival

Thursday 25 July 2019

Our neighbours at South Devon CAMRA are asking for staffing volunteers to help at their Beer Festival to be held on 25th to 27th July 2019 at Teignmouth Rugby and Football Club. This is the second Festival they have staged since 2012 and we need your help to ensure that it is a successful event! They need volunteers in many areas and we would be delighted if anyone could help at what promises to be a fun event...

There will be space available for camping - either tents or camper vans. Below are the various files relating to volunteering to work at the festival which are self explanatory. There are various jobs that you can help with so please have a good look and just choose a role and a time that suits you.

SD CAMRA volunteer form 2019

SD CAMRA volunteer letter July 2019

SD CAMRA Emergency Plan sunshine 2019

Please email responses to Carol at moc.liamg@9102lavitsefenihsnus or by post to the address which is on the staffing form.

We look forward to a great festival. Please do visit the South Devon branch website at to keep in touch with festival news.

Cheers Bob... On behalf of Carol Doree