
Cornwall CAMRA Christmas Lunch at the Royal Oak, Lostwithiel

Tuesday 24 December 2024

Lostwithiel is an exceptional place for several reasons. Founded not long after the Norman Conquest it was built by the lords of nearby Restormel Castle and became the capital of Cornwall in the 13th century. Today it still contains several historic buildings and the pack-horse bridge over the River Fowey at its tidal limit. It is one of the five Stannary Towns in Cornwall and was the scene of an important battle between the Roundheads and Cavaliers in 1644 (the Cavaliers won). An unusual fact of Lostwithiel is the coincidence of the St Michael and St Mary currents, or ley lines, at the church which itself contains some intriguing features. These currents course from near Land's End all the way to the Norfolk coast. St Michael runs along the road over the bridge and past the Globe Inn while St Mary goes right through the King's Arms and runs across the railway station.

Jolly members of Cornwall Branch converged on the Royal Oak in Duke Street on Friday 13 December 2023, hoping for good luck.

We certainly got that in the line-up of cask beer put on for us by Graham and Simon – Sharp’s Atlantic, Sea Fury and St Austell Proper Job.

The Christmas fare was also excellent and we thoroughly enjoyed the event.

Cheers, Simon, Graham and team!

Merry Christmas and a Hoppy New Year

Steve Barber