
Tim’s Tipple Driftwood Spars

Saturday 14 December 2024

It’s time again for Tim’s Tipple!

This time, Tim’s Tipple is Driftwood Spars Brewery's Codename Robin!

As winter draws in here on the Cornish coast, a bold Robin has taken to sneaking into our brewer's yard at every opportunity. We see it as a good omen and thought we'd brew an extra special beer in honour of our new companion.

A 7%, Gingerbread Stout - Rich molasses and gingerbread notes on the nose followed up by a smooth, roasty dark chocolate flavour, finishing with a lingering gingerbread finish to compliment the malt sweetness.

It's even gluten-free!

Come down to the pub and try this exceptional brew - you won’t want to miss it! See you soon at The Drifty!

#TimsTipple #BrewPub #StAgnes #StAgnesCornwall #DriftwoodSparsBrewery #CraftBeer #BrewPub #DriftwoodSpars #Cheers #CAMRA #CAMRACornwall #CornwallCAMRA