
Cornwall CAMRA Branch Pub of the Year 2023 (Winner) - 'Front, Falmouth

Tuesday 30 May 2023

Saturday 27th May was the arranged date for our final presentation in the Pub of the Year awards 2023. This award was being presented to the ‘front, Falmouth as ‘Overall Winner’. The Pub of the Year (POTY) was a very closely run competition this year with all shortlisted pubs being extremely worthy and the top three coming within one mark of each other!

It was another glorious day and many Cornwall CAMRA members, regulars of the pub, staff and friends assembled both inside the pub and on the outdoor, quayside drinking areas.

Although this pub is easily accessible by both train and bus, Mrs Treen from Treen’s Brewery and family arrived by boat as other sea-faring visitors often do!

The pub was extremely busy and the pub bell was briefly rung to announce the start of the award ceremony. Our Branch Chairman. Vince Curtis, asked us all to cast our minds back to March 2020 when all pubs had to close due to the pandemic. In June of the same year the lease was put up for sale and as Vince explained the future of this very popular pub was uncertain. However, despite the ongoing pandemic, by the end of 2020, the good news was that the lease had been purchased by a group of mainly local people and when restrictions were lifted the pub was to be reopened under new management and staff. In April 2021, this pub reopened with outdoor seating only and table service as regulations stated at the time. Over the last two years, with gradual lifting of restrictions, this pub is back to its former glory! Although consistently good beer quality and a range of beer styles are extremely important, Vince also mentioned other attributes of pubs such as community involvement and social spaces which the Pub of the Year competition involves. Vince awarded the ‘Overall Winner’ certificate to Max who received the certificate on behalf of the staff and current bar staff assembled for a quick photo before returning to their duties.

There was a range of local and regional beers and styles available from Treen’s ‘Essential’, Altantic ‘Sea Salt Stout' to Oakham’s ‘Green Devil’. Unfortunately for me, but good for the pub, the bar was too busy to capture the full line up of this wonderful selection of real ales!

Congratulations go to all at the ‘front who have worked hard to reopen and make this pub so successful.

Words and photos by Jan Curtis